Cambridgeshire Peterborough
Children's Health
NHS information from Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Children and Young People's Health Services.
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Lots of families using this site or contacting our services have been asking about all sorts of topics. Here are some of the most popular
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Lots of families using this site or contacting our services have been asking about all sorts of topics. Here are some of the most popular

Caring for your crying baby - ICON
It is completely normal for babies to cry. Crying is how your baby tries to get your attention and communicate with you. There are lots of different ways to soothe your crying baby. Sometimes these methods will work and other times they won’t, and this is ok.
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Through interacting and exploring their world, over time they develop skills such as walking, talking and getting dressed. These skills are called developmental milestones. Understanding the different developmental milestones will help you support your child as they grow.
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Feeding cues and signs of getting enough milk
Learn about your baby's feeding cues and the signs they've had enough milk. Each baby has their own feeding cues and escalation of feeding cues.
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