Free to feed
- 0-1 Years
- 1-5 Years
- Feeding and eating

All families and their children should feel free to breastfeed in public, anytime, anywhere.
This is the vision of the ‘Free to Feed’ campaign, which aims to encourage and normalise breastfeeding in public, help those who breastfeed and/or pump to feel relaxed and increase their confidence.
This community initiative encourages local businesses and venues to sign up and pledge to be a ‘#FreeToFeedCP’ location, where breastfeeding families and their little ones are openly welcomed to visit, especially if they feel like they need a safe space when out and about.
Explore the topics in this page:
Breastfeeding and pumping in public
Breastfeeding has amazing health benefits, but not all who want to breastfeed have the support they need to do so. Let some families explain why it is important to them, and why everyone should feel free to feed in public
Building confidence
"There’s nothing like sitting with other mums to help you feel more confident about breastfeeding and pumping in public." - Free To Feed Volunteer
'Nip Advisor' map
A google map of locations that are signed up to be a '#FreeToFeedCP' location. A list of locations is also available.
#FreeToFeedCP is steadily growing across the county with South Cambridgeshire, East Cambridgeshire and Peterborough all working to help grow #FreeToFeedCP in the community. More areas will be added to the campaign.
Family champions
Normalising breastfeeding and pumping in public is something we can all help with through conversation and support. We are looking for family champions to help create a supportive #FreeToFeedCP network. If you would like to be a family champion please email to register your interest.
Local communities and families will help to shape how the campaign grows and develops - to get started, a #FreeToFeedCP' breastfeeding survey has been created to share thoughts and experiences on breastfeeding and/or pumping in public,
Professionals - supporting and promoting this campaign

To become a #FreeToFeedCP location visit the South Cambridgeshire District Council #FreeToFeedCP page.
Local promotional guide for businesses
Don't forget to use the hashtag #FreeToFeedCP on social media and tag the NHS and District Council.
Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Healthy Child Programme:
@CambsPboroCYP on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter
South Cambridgeshire District Council - promotional guide
@SouthCambs on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter
To become a #FreeToFeedCP location visit the East Cambridgeshire District Council #FreeToFeedCP page.
Local promotional guide for businesses
Don't forget to use the hashtag #FreeToFeedCP on social media and tag the NHS and District Council.
Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Healthy Child Programme:
@CambsPboroCYP on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter
East Cambridgeshire District Council - promotional guide
@EastCambs on Facebook on Facebook
Last reviewed: 1 November, 2023