Chronic fatigue: Eating and drinking

It’s important for children and young people with ME/CFS to have a healthy and balanced diet. A healthy and balanced diet will help their development and aid their recovery. Your child or young person will also need to be hydrated by drinking water regularly throughout the day.
Healthy eating
Foods that help
By increasing certain types of foods, you can help sustain your child or young person’s energy levels. Introduce more slow-release foods or foods with a low glycaemic index such as wholegrain cereals, pasta, yoghurts and fruits.
We would recommend your child or young person avoids high sugar foods and drinks. Sugars are fast-releasing energy food. This can cause a slump in energy later. It's also best to try and avoid drinks that contain a lot of caffeine.
Read more general advice about healthy eating.
When to eat
Some children and young people with ME/CFS can feel sick when they eat larger meals. Encourage them to eat smaller meals more frequently. You can make this part of their regular routine. Having foods such as smoothies and soups can be helpful.

Last reviewed: 30 December, 2024