Advice line

Contact us
On Mondays and Thursdays 9:30am to 11am and on Wednesdays 2:30pm to 4pm
What is the advice line
The Children’s Occupational Therapy advice line is available for children and families with a Cambridgeshire GP, not currently known to our service. It is available to discuss children aged 0 to 18 years (up to 19 years if in full time special school education).
We can help you with:
- Self care - Eating, dressing, using the toilet, washing.
- Play - Playing with toys and joining in with community events.
- Learning opportunities - Participation in nursery/school activities.
An occupational therapist will be available to answer queries from parents, school staff and health professionals.
By providing early help and advice around occupational therapy issues, unnecessary referrals and wait times can be prevented. This can also be the first step in providing a family with practical strategies, before a referral needs to be made.
Parents and carers using the advice line
As a parent or carer, before calling the advice line please look through the support available on the occupational therapy service page.
- If you have looked through the information and your child still having some difficulties related to home or a community or educational setting, please call the advice line.
- If your child is having difficulties related to you child's educational setting only, please ask your child's school to phone the advice line.
- Schools are best placed to answer questions directly related to you child's learning. They will have staff training from our service and can also use the advice line.
Schools - information and guidance
Before calling the advice line please access our ready to Learn pack.
If you have already accessed the pack and still need support, you will need to get informed consent from the parents or carers to discuss their child with our service.
Please have the following information available when making the call:
- child's name and date of birth
- child's address
- parent/school email address
- NHS number (if known)
General information about the advice line
Last reviewed: 19 January, 2024