Attending your physio appointment

Your appointment can be offered in many ways. This is usually a face to face appointment often in one of our clinic settings. Or it can be a video or telephone appointment.
Explore the topics on this page:
Clinics, appointments and training groups
Your appointment
At your appointment we will discuss your child’s strengths, any areas of concern and your expectations of physiotherapy with you and your child, if they are able to take part.
We may ask you about your child’s birth history, relevant medical or family history and developmental history. It is useful if you are able to tell us when they reached milestones such as smiling, rolling, sitting and walking if they have reached these.
We will do a physical assessment of your child through observation and placing our hands on to feel how the body moves and responds. Our assessments are often carried out through play so we can observe your child in a relaxed environment.
We will be working with you and your child to discuss your child's goals and agree a plan together. This will include any further physiotherapy input that may be required. We will also ask you about sharing relevant information with other professionals involved with your child.
What to bring and wear to appointments
- During appointments your child may be required to undress to underwear or a nappy so we can best observe how the body moves. Older children should wear shorts and ideally a close fitting t-shirt/vest top.
- If your child is hoisted, please ensure they have their sling in situ in their chair so they can be moved. If your child has splints, night/resting splints, lycra or walking aids, you should bring these along too. Please try to bring your child in their usual wheelchair if they have one so this can be looked at in the clinic.
- You might find it helpful to write a list of questions you would like to ask as it is easy to forget them when you are in the appointment.
- You may wish to bring a drink/water bottle, a snack or a feed for babies, particularly if the appointment is over or near to meal times. Sometimes it can be helpful to bring a favourite toy along with you and something to entertain your child while they are waiting for the appointment.
After your appointment
Your therapist will keep discussing ongoing goals and plans with you and your child. We know that therapy has the most impact when it is part of everyday life and when parents and carers work alongside us to deliver it through home/school activity and positioning programmes, including tips and hints which can make a difference. We aim to coach and empower parents and carers and young people, where they are able, to become experts in their own therapy care to get the best outcomes and meet their potential.
On occasions, we may see your child in a different environment such as school or home to assess and give advice on their specific needs in that environment.
Clinics, appointments and training groups
Last reviewed: 1 November, 2023