Staying safe and accident prevention
Babies and children are naturally curious and love to explore their environment. This does mean they are at risk of accidents. Young people and teenagers also need to know how to keep themselves safe as they grow into adults. It’s a good idea to familiarise yourself with potential dangers and how to protect your child from them.
If your child has additional needs visit our specific section for more support
Useful information and advice about staying safe for all ages
Safeguarding People
The Safeguarding People team safeguards and promotes the health and welfare of all children and young people. Visit safeguarding people for more information.
If you think that a child or young person is being abused or neglected in:
- Peterborough: 01733 864170 (9am to 5pm Monday to Friday)
- Cambridgeshire: 0345 045 5203 (8am to 6pm Monday to Friday)
- Outside office hours, at weekends and on public holidays contact the emergency duty team on 01733 234724
- Email:
As a member of the public, you do not have to give your name and your conversation will be treated confidentially.
Find other pages on staying safe

Caring for your crying baby - ICON
It is completely normal for babies to cry. Crying is how your baby tries to get your attention and communicate with you. There are lots of different ways to soothe your crying baby. Sometimes these methods will work and other times they won’t, and this is ok.
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Drug misuse and alcohol abuse
As your child gets older, they may hang around with people who use substances such as drugs and alcohol. They may start to feel curious or pressured into trying them. If your child or teenager uses drugs or drinks alcohol, this can affect their health and wellbeing. It’s important to talk to your child about the laws and risks of drugs and alcohol.
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Road safety
It’s important to teach your child to be safe and aware of what of is going on around them on the road. This will help them to build the skills they need to become independent when they are older.
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Staying safe around others
As your child moves towards becoming an adult, they start to have more choice over where they go and things they do. So it’s important that your child or young person understands how to keep themselves safe.
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Staying safe around pets
Pets can bring children lots of happiness. They can also teach children about responsibility and respect for other living creatures. But children’s behaviour can sometimes be unpredictable. This can frighten and overwhelm pets. So it’s important children are taught how to stay safe around pets.
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Staying safe and accident prevention for additional needs
On this page you will find resources and support for children with additional needs.
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Technology and online safety
Many children regularly use the internet to watch videos and use apps. It’s full of entertaining, interesting and funny information. It’s also a great way to connect with friends and family, but, it can be a dangerous place. As a parent or carer it is important to understand how the internet works and that your child is using it safely.
Read moreWho can help
If you have any questions or concerns about your child’s safety, a health professional in our team will be able to offer advice and support.
You can Call Us on 0300 029 50 50 or Text Us on 07520 649887 to start a conversation.
Open Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm (excluding bank holidays).