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2 month developmental milestones

  • 0-1 Years
  • Child development and growing up
A dad holding a newborn baby in his arms and kissing their hand

There are some key physical and communication milestones you will expect your 2 month old to reach. These milestones should be treated as a rough guide, as each child is unique and will develop at their own pace. It is often unhelpful to compare a baby to other babies or their siblings.

At around 2 months old you can expect your baby to be able to:


  • when laying on their tummy, turn their head to the side
  • when laying on their back, wave their arms and legs, wiggle and squirm
  • when laying on their back, kick their legs
  • touch their face with their hand
  • briefly hold a toy when you place it in their hand
  • grab your finger when you place it in the palm of their hand
  • follow an object or person with both eyes

Read more about early physical skills development


  • turn when they hear voices
  • deliberately maintain eye contact
  • smile when spoken to or when you smile at them
  • make cooing sounds such as ‘aaah’, ‘gah’ and ‘ooo’
  • make sounds back to you when you talk to your baby
  • cry when wet, hungry, tired or if they want to be held
  • smile or get excited 

Read more about early communication with babies and toddlers

Encouraging development

Activities and games you can explore with your baby:

  • chatting or singing to your baby whilst nappy changing or feeding
  • talking to your baby about what they are looking at
  • using different voices and actions when reading, singing and playing
  • copying the sounds your baby makes
  • dancing with your baby and cuddling
  • placing your baby on their stomach whilst your baby is awake, alert, and happy (also called tummy time)
Mother and baby on floor with soft fabric ball. Baby is laying on their stomach on a rug, in a living room.

Babies do not need lots of toys or devices to have fun or to encourage development.

They learn a lot of early skills by playing and spending time with you.

Possible development concerns

Sometimes development can be slower than you expect, or you may notice something different about your baby. It's normal to feel worried but there is lots of support out there. 

Contact the health visiting team if you notice your baby is:

  • not engaging in eye contact when speaking to them
  • not watching and following you with their eyes
  • not grasping objects when placed in their hands
  • not able to lift their head up for short periods


Need more specific support for your child?

If your child needs more help or has additional needs, you can visit our specific section for extra support.

Child development and growing up for additional needs


Who can help

If you have any questions or concerns about your baby's development, a health professional in our team will be able to offer advice and support.

You can Call Us on 0300 029 50 50 or Text Us on 07520 649887 to start a conversation.

Open Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm (excluding bank holidays).

Information for babies aged 2 months old

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Mother and baby on floor with soft fabric ball. Baby is laying on their stomach on a rug, in a living room.
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