Advance care plans (RESPECT)

Advanced Care Plans or End of Life Plans are used for children and adults with life limiting conditions. They are a way for families to consider what they would like to happen to their children in the future especially when children are not able to express this themselves. Advance care plans are not legally binding but allow medical professionals to know what is important to you and your child in the event of them becoming unwell.
Respect is a nationally recognised advanced care plan. These documents should accompany your child or young person wherever they go.
Respect stands for:
Plan for
Care and
End of life Care Planning for Children – a Parent's Perspectives
Advanced care plan
Advanced care plans are best completed when your child is well. They can take time to complete.
They allow you to support your child in the way you would wish, both medically and culturally. The plans will often prioritise comfort and symptom relief over life prolonging procedures where the outcome is likely to be poor. They give you an opportunity to ask important questions to the professionals already involved in your child’s care. You can ask information about:
- the interventions available for your child in different situations
- the success rate of these interventions
- what is involved in interventions
Last reviewed: 12 November, 2023