Resources and local support
- Parents and Carers

On this page you'll find a range of services available locally to support your child, young person and family.
Explore different resources and local support
- Read our information on ADHD.
- Royal College of Psychiatry - Use the search bar to search 'ADHD for parents and carers.'
- ADHD UK - A charity to help those with ADHD.
- The National Attention Deficit Disorder Information and Support Service - They provide information and resources about ADHD.
- Challenging Behaviour Guide - The guide provides tips and strategies to help you and your family member during a period of new or increased challenging behaviour.
- What is autism? - Find out more about autism by watching a film narrated by Alan Gardner, the Autistic Gardener.
- Read our information about autism and social communication.
- Information for after autism assessment - If your child has recently been assessed and you have learnt that they have social communication difficulties or autism, you can find lots of information and guidance to help.
- Coming to terms with a diagnosis - Find information and advice following a diagnosis.
- Telling your child about their diagnosis - A guide for parents and carers.
- Ambitious about Autism - A toolkit to help school children with autism understand and look after their own mental health and wellbeing.
- Aspire - They deliver youth clubs and support, in and around Cambridge, for children and young people with autism.
- National Autistic Society - Offer advice and guidance on a wide range of information about autism. You can also read more about the National Autistic Society Cambridge branch.
- Spectrum - They provide events, sessions, and support for families of children with Autism, additional needs, learning difficulties, and disabilities.
- Autism Anglia - An independent charity that provides care and support to autistic children, adults, and their families in East Anglia.
- Challenging Behaviour Guide - The guide provides tips and strategies to help you and your family member during a period of new or increased challenging behaviour.
- Read our information about pica (eating non-edible items).
- Read our information about staying safe and accident prevention for additional needs.
- The Curly Hair Project - An organisation which helps people on the autistic spectrum and the people around them. They use animated films, stories, comic strips and diagrams to make the information easy to understand.
- Communication Lily's Pain - Explore resources around communication challenges that can occur around a child with profound cognitive impairment who experience pain.
- Picturepath - Helping people with additional needs to feel safer and more relaxed at home, school or in new environments.
- Social stories - A tool that supports the safe and meaningful exchange of information between parents, professionals,and people with autism of all ages.
- Read our information on complex physical difficulties.
- Disability Living Allowance for children - Find out if your child is eligible for Disability Living Allowance (DLA). You can also get help with filling in the DLA form for your child.
- 0 to 25 Disability Social Care - SEND Information Hub - Explore information, guidance and support to help your child or young person reach their potential.
- SWAN UK (Syndromes Without A Name) - Genetic Alliance - Discover a dedicated UK support network for families affected by syndrome without a name.
- Read our information on genetic conditions.
- Read our information on advanced care plans.
- East Anglia's Children's Hospices - They deliver lifelong care that includes a range of services to support both bereaved and non-bereaved families.
- Changing Places Toilets - Use the map to find a toilet.
- Read our information about dental health.
- Find oral care products such as unflavoured toothpaste.
- Read our information about to how to help your child with sensory issues.
- Read more about autism and oral health.
- Read more about how to find an NHS dentist.
- The special care dental service provides a comprehensive range of activities to improve the oral health of children and adults who have a physical, sensory, intellectual mental, medical, emotional or social impairment or disability, which makes routine care in general dental practice unsuitable or impractical for their needs.
- Read more about NHS dentists.
- Watch a video about looking after your child's teeth aged 0 to 3.
- Watch a video about looking after your child's teeth aged 3 to 6.
- Watch a video about looking after your child's teeth aged 7+.
- Epilepsy Action - Discover information and advice about epilepsy.
- Young Epilepsy - Explore information and support for those with epilepsy as well as parents and carers of children with epilepsy.
Sending videos
If you are under the care of a specialist nurse, please email any videos of events to an email address below. Please mark your email for the attention of the paediatrician and include your child's details and date of birth.
- If you are under the care of a specialist nurse within Cambridgeshire or Peterborough, please email any videos of events to You can then email Janet Hill to say that the videos have been sent.
- If you are under the care of a specialist nurse within King's Lynn, please email any videos of events to
Local epilepsy contacts (these are not an emergency service)
Cambridge City, South and East
Janet Hill: Paediatric Epilepsy Nurse Specialist
- Email
- Call 01223 216805
Nicki Astle: Clinical Nurse Specialist
- Email
- Call 01480 423153
King's Lynn
Paediatric Epilepsy Nurse Specialist
- Email
- Call 01553 668602
- Read our information on development delay.
- Read our information on learning disability.
- Learning Disability Matters - Designed for parents and carers of children & young people who have been identified as having a learning disability or have concerns that their child or young person might have a learning disability.
- Challenging Behaviour Guide - The guide provides tips and strategies to help you and your family member during a period of new or increased challenging behaviour.
- Read our information on transition in healthcare.
- Special Education Needs and Disability Information, Advice and Support Service (SENDIASS) - This is an independent part of the local authority which is there to support parents. This service can provide knowledge about the education processes during term-time. You can also watch a video about what SENDIASS is.
- Pinpoint - Helping Cambridgeshire parents who have children with additional needs and disabilities. It is run for parents, by parents. You can also download the Pinpoint neurodiversity booklet.
- Special Needs Community Information Point (SCIP) newsletter - To be added to the mailing list to receive a copy of this newsletter please contact Joan Adamson, SCIP Co-ordinator:
- Disability Living Allowance - Your child may be eligible for disability living allowance (DLA). This is something you can look into to support the extra expenses with having a child with a developmental difference. Find help with filling in the DLA form for your child.
- 0 to 25 Disability Social Care - The social care children's disabilities team provide support. You are able to make a referral yourself.
- Early Help Hub - Sometimes families need a bit of extra support. You might be worried about your child's behaviour or development. Or you and your family might experience some changes or difficulties that you can't manage by yourself. Whatever you are worried about, Early Help can support you and your family so that small problems do not become big problems.
- Cambridgeshire SEND Ordinarily Available Provision Toolkit - Find information on cognition and learning, social emotional and mental health and lots more.
- Cambridgeshire Online - Early Support - The Early Support Pathway aims to improve the delivery of services for children with a disability or significant and complex additional needs and their families.
- Challenging Behaviour Guide - The guide provides tips and strategies to help you and your family member during a period of new or increased challenging behaviour.
- Occupational Therapy Advice Line - Available for children and families with a Cambridgeshire GP, not currently known to the occupational therapy service. It is available to discuss children aged 0 to 18 years (up to 19 years if in full time special school education).
- Bedazzle Arts - Bedazzle offers bespoke education, performing and visual arts courses, events and workshops to students of all abilities.
- How Are You Cambridgeshire and Peterborough - Bringing together everything in the local community that is good for wellbeing.
- Eddie's - Supports people with learning disabilities in Cambridgeshire.
- Spectrum - They provide events, sessions, and support for families of children with autism, additional needs, learning difficulties, and disabilities.
- Aspire - Romsey Mill Trust - They deliver youth clubs and support, in and around Cambridge, for children and young people with autism.
- Little Miracles - A charity that supports families who have children with additional needs, disabilities and life-limiting conditions.
- DISH - Provides information, advice and support for people in Huntingdonshire, South Cambridgeshire, Fenland and Cambridge City.
- Disability Grants - A guide to grants for the disabled.
- 50 Things to Do - Cambridgeshire & Peterborough - Discover 50 exciting ideas for play for children aged 0 to 4 years old.
- Read our information on behaviour, emotions and mental health.
- Keep Your Head - Brings together up to date information on mental health and well-being for children and young people, parents/carers and professionals.
- YOUnited - Offers help to children and young people with their emotional wellbeing and mental health. Access local mental health services, information about referrals and links to crisis advice.
- Challenging Behaviour Guide - The guide provides tips and strategies to help you and your family member during a period of new or increased challenging behaviour.
- Talk to your child's school about the support they offer. For example, school based counselling or play therapy. Schools can also access Mental Health Support Teams and the Emotional Health and Wellbeing Service.
- Emotional Health and Wellbeing Service - Schools can access advice from the service on how to support a child's emotional needs at school. A professional may work with the child and can help communicate between the different agencies involved. This service requires a professional to refer.
- CAMHS Resources - Find lots of helpful resources to support mental health and wellbeing.
- Downs Syndrome Association - Discover support with health, wellbeing and information about life and Down’s Syndrome.
- What is autism? - Find out more about autism by watching a film narrated by Alan Gardner, the Autistic Gardener.
- Read our information on genetic conditions.
- Cerebra - A charity that offers support and advice for children and young people living with a brain condition.
- Pinpoint Cambridgeshire - They help Cambridgeshire parents and carers who have children with additional needs and disabilities. Run by parents, for parents. You can download the neurodiversity booklet.
- NSPCC - Discover support and advice for children and parents.
- Sibs - For brothers and sisters of disabled children and adults.
- Family Fund - Provides a wide range of grants to families raising a disabled or seriously ill child or young person, on a low income. Grants can help with equipment, days out, games, sensory toys and more.
- Contact: the charity for families with disabled children - A charity that offers support to families by providing advice and guidance
- Disability Living Allowance (DLA) for children: DLA rates for children - GOV.UK - Find information about benefits and financial support if you are disabled or have a health condition.
- Childcare funding for children with additional needs - Cambridgeshire County Council - Discover local information regarding childcare funding for children with additional needs. Find help with filling in the Disability Living Allowance form for your child.
- BBC Tiny Happy People - Helps you to develop your child’s language and communication skills, so they get the best start in life.
- The Abilities In Me Foundation - Discover stories based on real families and the child's condition.
- He's not naughty: A children's guide to autism - Suitable for children aged 6+ to learn about autism.
- Can I tell you about autism? - A guide for friends, families and professionals. Suitable for children aged 7+.
- The ice-cream sundae guide to autism - An interactive child's book for understanding autism. Suitable for children aged 7+.
- Hidden Disabilities Sunflower - A simple tool to voluntarily share that you have a disability or condition that may not be immediately apparent.
- Watch a series of online learning sessions about sensory differences.
- Read more about the Occupational Therapy Service advice line.
- Read more about mainstream school training and resources.
- Read more about helping children to be ready to learn.
- Read more about delivering ready to learn circuits.
- Fledglings - Explore adaptive clothing including swimwear, shoes and bedding.
- General sleep advice - Initial support for sleep provided by the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Health Visiting and School Nursing service.
- Sleep Action - A sleep charity providing sleep support, training and resources.
- Cerebra - They offer a range of sleep services to help your child and everyone in your family to get a good night's sleep.
- The Sleep Charity - Offering lots of information on children's sleep problems, bedtime routines, bedroom environment and relaxation tips.
- Sleep programmes - Cambridgeshire County Council can provide workshops, signposting and guidance to other professionals, practical support or individual sleep programmes to help overcome sleep issues (criteria applies).
- Read our information on pee, poo and toileting for additional needs.
- Read our information about what your child's poo should look like.
- Watch a series of online learning sessions that have been specifically created to support families and professionals learn about toileting for additional needs.
- ERIC - Learn about your child or young person's bowel and bladder problems.
- How to use macrogol laxatives - ERIC - Explore how to prepare and use macrogol laxatives.
- Bedwetting – reasons and how to stop it - ERIC
- Advice for children with daytime bladder problems - ERIC
- Read our information on healthy eating.
- Healthy You - A free service for Cambridgeshire and Peterborough residents who are looking to make changes to their lifestyle.
- Healthy Schools - They help schools to build resilience among their children and young people to maximise their health and wellbeing so they can reach their full potential.
- Online fitness activities - Explore activities for children and young people to help keep active.
- The Eatwell Guides - Discover how much of what your child or young person eats overall should come from each food group to achieve a healthy, balanced diet.
- Better Health - Healthier Families - Find information and advice on staying healthy including indoor activities and recipes.
- Children's weight - NHS - Find information and advice about children's weight, including what you can do if your child is overweight or underweight.
Sensory issues around eating
- Watch this video about how to support your child on food and hygiene activities.
- Food Refusal and Avoidant Eating in Children, including those with Autism Spectrum Conditions: A Practical Guide for Parents and Professionals - This is a book by Gillian Harris and Elizabeth Shea.
- Watch the videos below to learn about fussy eating.
Last reviewed: 8 May, 2024